Nenad Crnomarković
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Nenad Crnomarković

Senior research associate

Department of Thermal Engineering and Energy, "VINČA" Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of thе Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Postal address
Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14
11351 Vinča, Beograd, Srbija

  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2012) Ph.D.
  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2001) M.Sc.
  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1993) B.Sc.
  • „VINČA” Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade (since 1994)
  • LOLA Corporation, Jugoslovenska 2, Belgrade (1993-1994)
Research Fields:
  • Radiative Heat Transfer
  • Heat exchange in pulverized coal-fired furnaces
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Ecology of combustion
  • Pulverized coal gasification
  • Diesel engine combustion
  • Fluidized bed combustion
Skills & Professional Highlights:
  • long-term experience in experimental work
  • Long-term experience in numerical work
  • Experience in field measurements of various industrial facilities
Background and Research Interests:

Nenad Crnomarkovic was born on June 15 1967, in Knin, Republic Croatia. In 1970, he became a resident of Belgrade, Republic Serbia. He received his BSc degree from the Faculty of mechanical engineering in Belgrade in 1993. After one year of working experience in industry, he became an employee of the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences. In 2001, he received his MSc degree from the Faculty of mechanical engineering in Belgrade, for his experimental work on pulverized coal gasification. From October 2002. to March 2004, he studied combustion in diesel engines at the Faculty of Energy Science of Kyoto University. In September of 2012, he received his PhD degree from the Faculty of mechanical engineering in Belgrade, for his work on numerical computation of radiative heat transfer.

His research covers various fields: mathematical modeling of two-phase turbulent flows with radiative heat transfer, heat exchange in the pulverized coal-fired furnaces, development of 3D computer codes, de-NOx/de-SOx methods in utility boilers, pulverized coal/biomass (co)combustion, pulverized coal gasification, environmental protection from diesel combustion, fluidized bed combustion.


He published 33 papers, including papers in leading international journals, with h-index: 9 and over 321 citations (Scopus).

Scientific Projects & Industrial Studies:
Projects supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia:

“Increase in energy and ecology efficiency of processes in pulverized coal-fired furnace and optimization of utility steam boiler air preheater by using in-house developed software tools” (“Повећање енергетске и еколошке ефикасности процеса у ложишту за угљени прах и оптимизација излазне грејне површине енергетског парног котла применом сопствених софтверских алата”), TR-33018, 2011-2019

“Development and application of models and softwares for simulaton of processes in pulverized coal-fired utility boiler furnaces for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency and reducing emission of pollution” (“Развој и примена модела и софтвера за симулацију процеса у ложиштима енергетских котлова на спрашени угаљ у циљу повећања енергетске ефикасности и смањења емисије полутаната“), TR-18007, 2008-2010

“Modeling and numerical simulation of turbulent flow and thermal processes in utility boiler furnaces” (“Моделирање и нумеричка симулација турбулентних струјно-термичких процеса у ложиштима енергетских котлова”), TR-6609A, 2005-2007

Studies supported by the Public Company “Electric Power Industry of Serbia”, JP EPS (cooperation between the Vinča Institute and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade):

“Possibility of implementation of primary measures for NOx emission reduction from pulverized lignite-fired utility boilers” (“Могућност увођења примарних мера за смањење емисије азотнох оксида из енергетских котлова на спрашени лигнит”), 2010-2011

“Mathematical models and software tools for simulation of flow and thermal processes within the equipment of utility boiler units, for the purpose of working regimes diagnostics and prediction of operating situations”, subproject: “Mathematical model of processes in pulverized coal-fired boiler furnace“, (“Математички модели и софтверски алати струјнодинамичких и топлотних процеса у опреми термоенергетских блокова за примену у дијагностици стања и предвиђању понашања”, потпројекат: “Математички модел процеса у ложишту котла са сагоревањем угљеног праха”), 2006-2009

International Cooperation:

From October 2002. to March 2004, he studied combustion in diesel engines at the Faculty of Energy Science of Kyoto University.

Reviewing & Editing:

Reviewer in a number of international scientific journals: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Thermal Science, Energy & Fuels, Thermal Science, Drying Technology, Energy.

Memberships of Scientific Societies:
  • Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia
Language Skills:

Fluent in English language
